AB 890 - California Medical Association Documents
On June 5, 2020, Cal/OSHA posted new guidance for employers and medical providers about delaying or deferring certain elements of surveillance examinations mandated under Cal/OSHA standards, because of potential risks of COVID-19 transmission. In particular, Cal/OSHA advises that certain non-urgent exam elements, including face-to-face examinations and spirometry, can reasonably be delayed when the risk of COVID-19 infection will likely outweigh the benefits of the examination. These guidance documents can be found at:
A complete listing of all CalOSHA guidance documents related to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found at:
WOEMA's Legislative Committee tracks and advocates on a variety of bills every year.
Additional Updates
- WOEMA Legislative Committee Turns to Pandemic Issues (05/19/2020)
- Complying with the Medical Aspects of USP 800: WOEMA Advisory Statement (adopted 12/04/2019)