
WOEMA is active in its advocacy work to assure a healthy workforce and to follow and understand legislative and regulatory issues that affect physicians and public health. We contract with a legislative advocate in Sacramento who works with the Legislative Committee, one of the most active committees of WOEMA. This work is instrumental to WOEMA members and our patients to participate in policy debates that lead to improved outcomes for illness, injury and disability in the work environment.

AB 890 - California Medical Association Documents


On June 5, 2020, Cal/OSHA posted new guidance for employers and medical providers about delaying or deferring certain elements of surveillance examinations mandated under Cal/OSHA standards, because of potential risks of COVID-19 transmission. In particular, Cal/OSHA advises that certain non-urgent exam elements, including face-to-face examinations and spirometry, can reasonably be delayed when the risk of COVID-19 infection will likely outweigh the benefits of the examination. These guidance documents can be found at:

A complete listing of all CalOSHA guidance documents related to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found at:


WOEMA's Legislative Committee tracks and advocates on a variety of bills every year.

Click here for an active list of the bills we are tracking the current California Legislative session.

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