Paul Papanek. MD, MPH, FACOEM

Anne Searcy, MD Public Service Award

Dr. Papanek is past President of WOEMA and has worked for Kaiser, LA County Public Health, and Cal/OSHA. He was on the UCLA Occupational Medicine Residency Committee. He has held multiple positions within ACOEM and WOEMA. He is currently one of the leaders of WOEMA’s Legislative Committee.

He has represented WOEMA for years at the ACOEM Board. Dr. Papanek has been a strong proponent of public health and a model representative of the field of OEM for decades.

About the Anne Searcy, MD, Public Service Award

This award is to be presented to a WOEMA member or other deserving nominee who has made notable achievements to protect and advance the health and safety of workers and/ or the environment through his/her work within a governmental or public agency service and/or through volunteer public policy advocacy.